knee deep in work – week 3

and the work continues… before the polishing, sanding, painting and after:

we are surrounded by the most beautiful rainforest you could ever imagine. howler monkeys, birds, lizards, crickets, snakes, frogs, …, a fabulous orchestra to fall asleep to.

finally, our living room looks nice and tidy. we start to feel home and our searches for tools and things don’t take quite that long anymore.

a task on a boat somewhat always takes so much longer than “just quickly” like installing a stove. ;D

after 3 weeks of hard work in above 30 degrees with a humidity of about 90% we decided to have a day off. we were working non-stop in and around whisper, which got roasted by the sun – literally a sauna. we explored our beautiful surrounding. a taste of what we will experience much more real soon…

and back to work… some sewing action with this antiquarian beauty…

… most important  the main engine check – our ticket to the water – is it going to work…?




1 thought on “knee deep in work – week 3”

  1. Liebe Sabrina und lieber Moritz
    Herzliche Gratulation, da habt ihr ja wirlich in 3 Wochen Wunder bewirkt, die Whisper sieht ja wieder echt toll aus.
    Wir wünschen euch eine wunderbare Zeit mit tollen Abenteuern und vielen wunderschönen Erlebnissen.
    Herzlich möchten wir uns bei euch bedanken für die lieben Worte zu den Voreignern. Auch wir sind glücklich so tolle Nachfolger zu haben, welche mit der Whisper unseren Traum weiter leben. 🙂
    In diesem Sinne “Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deinen Traum” von Thomas Campanalla (1568 – 1639)
    Fair winds
    Hanspetr & Lilian

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