new means of transportation – week 25 solo

swapping means of transportation, boat against plane and car. feeling ordinary and enjoying it. 

the one thing I have not thought about is the fact that in the bvi’s they drive on the left. not so much my worry as such, as I have heaps of driving experience from living in australia. the issue in the bvi’s they drive on the left with european cars, steering wheel on the left also. haha. ufff. my australian/uk driving mantra when entering the car: always sit on the middle line, would have been disastrous. my new mantra: drive on the left, drive on the left, drive on the left. to my surprise, it was super easy. I loved driving around in my 4×4 and I think I took every single possible main street on the island and saw it all. especially fun were the hilly, winding roads. 

2 seconds off the boat and I miss it already. I prefer the extraordinary boating lifestyle much better after all. I also got travel lazy (or maybe I got old?). it was so nice not having to constantly pack and being able to bring my home along with me. 

nevertheless, check out where life took me. this island is paradise on earth. like heaven. how can one human being be so lucky? it takes so little and I am so happy. who am I? how do I deserve so much glory, beauty, joy and happiness. is this because I am the way I am? am I living in a special kind of way? is this normal? it leaves me being so insanely grateful, that I get to experience what I experience. somewhat humble, appreciative and thankful. 

travelling solo gives me so much. enriching encounters. exposure. seeking the unknown. exploring. approaching strangers. asking around. gorgeous conversations with a random taxi driver at the airport, a singer while queueing, my host while sharing an accommodation… surrounded by beautiful souls and inspiration wherever I look. 

time to think. be. process. absorb. grasp.

I have thought about so many things in life. everyone who knows me is aware about my curiosity about my own mind. seeking self-awareness. wanting to understand why things are going the way they are going. understanding patterns. spreading my radiation and positivity. my joy of life. but never have I truly thought about my definition of love? have you? kennedy, the beautiful soul, has posed this question. when I have a thorough answer, I will get back to you. thank you so much for the truly meaningful and honest conversations. in the meantime, I wish you the best of luck progressing with your book. 

unforgettable. see you later bvi’s – I will be back for sure! 

et salut saint martin. 

2 thoughts on “new means of transportation – week 25 solo”

  1. As we Quakers say, this Friend speaks my mind. Also in the way of Quakers, I believe love, like god, is everywhere. It’s what we’re made of. Very excited to hear about your upcoming sailing adventures and excited to get back to my own! Sending much love and light!

  2. Kennedy Bryan

    Ahh Sabrina you are also a beautiful soul and I say thanks for the inspiration that you brought through our convos…take very special care on your journeys and I will most certainly enjoy seeing you when you get back here

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